Deliver better insights & services

to your IP clients by protecting patents & portfolios

At®, we offer solutions to help IP professionals optimize, monetize, and protect patents and portfolios. Patent professionals are trained and experienced in the complex and often confusing world of patent law. As a patent professional, you understand the intricacies of the patent application process, including the legal requirements, technical details, and procedural rules. This expertise can help ensure that your client’s patent application is prepared correctly and submitted, increasing your chances of obtaining a patent.

What if You Could Avoid Section 103 and 102 Rejections?

Leverage AI to detect and resolve potential rejection-causing issues at their inception. Craft stronger, more defensible patent applications, minimizing risks of delays, legal battles and wasted resources.

The Industry's First Guide to Responsible AI in Accelerating Innovation

Unlock the potential of responsible AI in our white paper. Explore AI fundamentals, types, and models. Discover how's commitment ensures secure and ethical AI, driving innovation reliably.

From Wired Magazine: Tech Giant's Hidden IP Weapon Revealed

Uncover the hidden strategy employed by industry leaders to share and protect their cutting-edge innovations, with standing out as the leading destination for implementing this approach.

Introducing a New Way to Purchase the Powerful, AI-Driven InnovationQ+

It's time to discover a new, powerful patent workflow solution to data analytics and competitive insights that enables informed, rapid decisions—reducing costs, maximizing ROI, and accelerating innovation. Choose from one of four flexible on-demand plans to fit your needs and the best part is you can upgrade or switch plans as your needs change.

IP Suite

At®, we offer solutions to help IP professionals optimize, monetize, and protect patent portfolios. Patent Professionals increase shareholder value with comprehensive intellectual property analysis and valuation.

Our solutions help you quickly find relevant art, map the competitive space using our semantic map, and determine patent or portfolio value. Diagnostic analytics and IP valuation tools guide IP professionals through monetizing innovation.

Tailored Solutions


InnovationQ+ is an innovation and IP decision support workflow solution packed with powerful data analytics and competitive insights that enable informed, rapid decisions throughout the lifecycle—reducing costs, maximizing ROI and accelerating innovation.

Patent Vitality Report

The Patent Vitality Report (PVR) gives patent owners, buyers, and sellers an objective analysis of the assets in a patent portfolio. It provides valuable patent analysis in five understandable scores: overall strength, litigation risk, monetization potential, new technology value, and patent quality.

Patentability Search Services

Our search professionals use Patentability Search services to help you discover and identify all art that is published prior to an invention, along with documentation with citations and excerpts from all references found.

Freedom to Operate Services

Our Freedom to Operate (FTO) patent search service helps identify potential patent barriers to commercializing your products or technologies. An FTO search aims to identify in-force patents or published patent applications with claims that cover the technology, process, or product you are targeting.


Strategic advice

Patent professionals can provide strategic advice on how to best protect your intellectual property, such as which patents to pursue, which markets to focus on, and how to avoid potential infringement issues. This advice can help you make informed decisions about your intellectual property and maximize its value.


Applying for a patent can be a time-consuming and tedious process, especially for individuals and businesses without experience in the field. Patent professionals can take on much of the work involved in preparing and submitting a patent application, freeing up your time and energy to focus on other aspects of your business.


Working with a patent professional increases the likelihood of obtaining a patent and protecting your intellectual property. Patent professionals have the knowledge and experience to navigate the patent application process effectively and can help you address any issues or objections that arise during the application process.